donderdag 20 oktober 2011

Agenda 20 oktober 2011

                                                               Verw.      Vorige
07.00  JPN  Aug     Indexes of Business Conditions - Revision
08.00  GER  Sep     PPI
                      PPI MoM                         +0.2%      -0.3%
                      PPI YoY                         +5.5%      +5.5%
                      PPI MoM (Excluding Energy)                 -0.1%
                      PPI YoY (Excluding Energy)                 +3.3%
09.00  EU           ECB Governing Council meeting
10.00  ITA  Sep     Foreign Trade non-EU
10.30  UK   Sep     Bank of England capital issuance
10.30  UK   Sep     CML mortgage lending figures
10.30  UK   3Q      Bank of England Trends in Lending report
10.30  UK   Sep     Automotive production
10.30  UK   Sep     Retail sales
                      Retail Sales Monthly            0%         -0.2%
                      Retail Sales Yearly             +0.7%      0%
13.30  UK   Oct     CML Market Commentary
14.30  US   Oct 15  Unemployment Insurance Claims Report - Initial Claims
                      Weekly Jobless Claims           400K       404K
                      Weekly Jobless Claims Net
                      Change                          -4K        -1K
                      Cont Jobless Claims (prior
                      week)                                      3670000
                      Cont Jobless Claims Net Chg
                      (prior week)                               -55K
15.00  US           Atlanta Fed Pres Lockhart speaks on 'American Economy in
                   Crisis: How Should We Repond?' in Atlanta
15.15  US           St. Louis Fed President Bullard remarks at Economic Policy Conference
15.45  US           Bloomberg Consumer Comfort Index
16.00  US   Oct 8   DJ-BTMU U.S. Business Barometer
                      DJ-BTMU Business Barometer                 0%
                      DJ-BTMU Business Barometer (52
                      Wk)                                        +1.5%
16.00  EU   Oct     FCCI Flash Consumer Confidence Indicator
                      Flash Consumer Confidence
                      Indicator                       -21        -19.1
16.00  US   Oct     Philadelphia Fed Business Outlook Survey
                      Business Activity               -10        -17.5
                      Prices Paid                                23.2
                      Employment                                 5.8
                      New Orders                                 -11.3
                      Prices Received                            0.9
                      Delivery Times                             -7
                      Inventories                                10.2
                      Shipments                                  -22.8
16.00  US   Sep     Leading Indicators
                      Leading Index                   +0.3%      +0.3%
                      Coincident Index                           +0.1%
                      Lagging Index                              +0.3%
16.00  US   Sep     Existing Home Sales
                      Total Sales                     4.9M       5.03M
                      Percent Change                  -2.6%      +7.7%
                      Month's Supply                             8.5
16.30  US   Oct 14  EIA Natural Gas Storage Report
                      Total Working Gas in Storage    3632B      3521B
                      Total Working Gas in Storage
                      (Net Change)                    +111B      +112B
22.30  US   Oct 10  Money Stock Measures
22.30  US   Oct 19  Foreign Central Bank Holdings
                      Foreign US Debt Holdings                   3.4T
                      US Foreign Agency Holdings                 723.11B
                      Foreign Treasury Holdings                  2.68T
22.30  US   Oct 19  Federal Discount Window Borrowings
                      Primary Credit Borrowings                  70M
                      Primary Credit Borrowings W/E
                      Daily Avg                                  38M
                      Discount Window Borrowings                 11.39B
                      Discount Window Borrowings W/E
                      Daily Avg                                  11.37B