dinsdag 4 oktober 2011

Agenda 04 oktober 2011

                                                         Verw.            Vorige
10.30  UK   Sep     CIPS Construction PMI
11.00  EU   Aug     PPI
                      PPI,  Monthly                              +0.5%
                      PPI, Yearly                                +6.1%
                      PPI, Ex-Energy Yearly                      +0.1%
                      PPI, Ex-Energy                             +4.1%
12.00  FRA  Aug     OECD CPI
13.45  US   Oct 1   ICSC-Goldman Sachs Chain Store Sales Index
                      Chain Store Sales Index - WoW              -0.2%
                      Chain Store Sales Index - YoY              +2.7%
14.55  US   Oct 1   Johnson Redbook Retail Sales Index
                      MoM % Change                               -0.1%
                      12MonChgPct                                +4.4%
                      52WkChgPct                                 +4.2%
15.00  EU           ECB President Trichet at quarterly session with MEPs
15.00  US           Federal Reserve Governor Raskin speech in Maryland
16.00  US           Fed Chairman Bernanke testifies before
                   U.S. Joint Economic Committee on the economic outlook
16.00  US   Aug     Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories & Orders (M3)
                      Total Orders                    0%         +2.4%
                      Orders, Ex-Defense                         +2.6%
                      Orders, Ex-Transportation                  +0.9%
                      Durable Goods 1st Est                      +4%
                      Durable Goods Revised                      +4.1%
22.30  US   Sep 29  API Statistical Bulletin
                      Crude Stocks (Net Change)                  +568K
                      Gasoline Stocks (Net Change)               +4.62M
                      Distillate Stocks (Net Change)             -223K
                      Refinery Runs                              85.9