donderdag 6 oktober 2011

Agenda 06 oktober 2011

                                                          Verw.           Vorige
10.00  UK   Sep     Car registration
10.30  UK   Jul     Service sector
10.30  UK   2Q      Bank of England's Housing Equity Withdrawal figures
12.00  GER  Aug     Manufacturing orders
                      Domestic Orders (Adjusted)                 +3.6%
                      Foreign Orders (Adjusted)                  -7.4%
                      Total Manufacturing Orders
                      (Adjusted) Monthly, Del                    -2.8%
                      Total Manufacturing Orders
                      (Unadjusted)                               +5.5%
13.00  UK   Oct     Bank of England interest rate decision
                      Bank Rate                       0.5%       0.5
13.45  EU           European Central Bank interest rate announcement
                      MRO Rate                        1.5%       1.5
                      Direction of Action                        0
14.30  US   Oct 1   Unemployment Insurance Claims Report - Initial Claims
                      Weekly Jobless Claims           410K       391K
                      Weekly Jobless Claims Net
                      Change                          +19K       -37K
                      Cont Jobless Claims (prior
                      week)                                      3729000
                      Cont Jobless Claims Net Chg
                      (prior week)                               -20K
15.45  US   Oct 2   Bloomberg Consumer Comfort Index
16.00  US           Treasury Secy Geithner testifies before Senate Banking
                   Committee hearing
16.00  US   Sep 24  DJ-BTMU U.S. Business Barometer
                      DJ-BTMU Business Barometer                 +0.2%
                      DJ-BTMU Business Barometer (52
                      Wk)                                        +1.5%
16.30  US           EIA Natural Gas Storage Report
                      Total Working Gas in Storage    3411B      3312B
                      Total Working Gas in Storage
                      (Net Change)                    +99B       +111B
17.00  US           Dallas Fed Pres Fisher speaks on 'Texas: What Makes Us
                   Exceptional; What Makes Us Vulnerable?' in Fort Worth, Tex.
18.00  US   Sep     ICSC Chain Store Sales Trends
20.00  US           U.S. Treasury Secy Geithner testifies before House Financial Services Committee
22.30  US   Sep 26  Money Stock Measures
22.30  US   Oct 5   Federal Discount Window Borrowings
                      Primary Credit Borrowings                  40M
                      Primary Credit Borrowings W/E
                      Daily Avg                                  29M
                      Discount Window Borrowings                 11.46B
                      Discount Window Borrowings W/E
                      Daily Avg                                  11.45B
22.30  US   Oct 5   Foreign Central Bank Holdings
                      Foreign US Debt Holdings                   3.42T
                      US Foreign Agency Holdings                 725.39B
                      Foreign Treasury Holdings                  2.7T