dinsdag 30 augustus 2011

Agenda 30 augustus 2011

                                                      Verw.        Vorige
10.10  EU   Aug     Eurozone Retail PMI
10.30  UK   Jul     Bank of England lending to individuals figures
                      Consumer Credit                            0.4B
                      Consumer Lending                           0.4B
                      Mortgage Approvals                         48421
                      Mortgage Lending, GBP                      -0.1B
11.00  EU   Aug     Business & Consumer Surveys - Business Climate Indicator &
                   Economic Sentiment Indicator
                      Business Climate Index          +0.18      0.45
                      Consumer Confidence             -16.6      -11.2
                      Economic Sentiment              100.5      103.2
                      Industrial Confidence           -2         1.1
                      Services Confidence                        7.9
13.45  US   Aug 27  ICSC-Goldman Sachs Chain Store Sales Index
                      Chain Store Sales Index - WoW              -1%
                      Chain Store Sales Index - YoY              +3%
14.55  US   Aug 27  Johnson Redbook Retail Sales Index
                      MoM % Change                               +0.2%
                      12MonChgPct                                +4.4%
                      52WkChgPct                                 +3.6%
15.00  US   Jun     S&P / Case-Shiller Home Price Index
                      SP Composite-10 MoM                        +1.1%
                      SP Composite-10 YoY                        -3.6%
                      SP Composite-20 MoM                        +1%
                      SP Composite-20                 -4.6%      -4.5%
16.00  US   Aug     Consumer Confidence Index
                      Consumer Confidence Index       52         59.5
                      Expectation Index                          75.4
                      Present Situation Index                    35.7